Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!! New Blog, New Goals, New Freakin Lemon Detox Diet!! Yuck!

Good morning Good morning Good morning to you all. At this point I have no idea who is reading this. This is my first blog on my very own blog spot!! I feel like I should be dancing or jumping up and down!! Trust me, I am dancing on the inside. It is 2009 people!! Any resolutions? I have some.. they aren't really resolutions, well hell maybe they are.. the bottom line is everyone should improve upon themselves as they get older and time goes bye. Its called growth and growth indeed is a good thing!

One of my goals was this very blog right here! I want to dedicate more time writing and sharing my testimonies with the masses as they come. It will be hard migrating all my myspace blog readers over here but hopefully they won't mind reading my blogs on both sites. I will admit I will blog MORE FREQUENT on this blog site!

Ladies & gents, yesterday was my first day on the lemon detox master cleanse. My business partner Lisa hipped me to it and we are both doing it together (yeah baby!). Far be it for me to try anything that doesn't invovle eating (wtf!) but this master cleanse indeed does involve doing only 2 things: drinking sea salt water in the morning (and before bed if you choose) and drinking the lemonade elixer (as I call it: pure lemon juice, cayenne pepper, and maple syrup in spring or filtered water). And I am told you have to drink 8-10 glasses of that all day. AND YOU EAT NOTHING!!! And how long I gotta do this sh*t?? A MINIMUM of 10 DAYS!!!!! Yes I said it...go head and laugh it is quite ludacris I admit. But thats the plan. Lisa said she lost 22 lbs on it so I was like...oh well I'm on it. Yesterday was my first day and it was torture. And yes I cheated! I'm sorry...I was cleaning my room and I saw a fortune I ate it. And I went to Tower city located here in downtown Cleveland and well... YES, I had 3 tiny chicken samples, all combined to the size of one burger king chicken tender if even that large. So in essence I ate a fortune cookie and a chicken tender, and 9 glasses of the lemonade elixer. Is that that bad??? Its torture. But am focused and I will make it!!

Among that I have made a goal memorize some of my poetry. Eh!! This is being done begrudgingly as I have never really desired to. I read off paper its what I do but with the recent release of my debut cd I felt it necessary. I'm big time now baby!! LOL. So there you have it.

Doesn't that look great!! Shout out to Ceps for the graphics cover! He is awesome!! OK people.. We'll talk more later..I have to dip! Gotta get the kids breakfast ready and gotta prepare for a Saturday morning meeting! Peace and happy New Year!!

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